Friday, 3 May 2013

Loyal liabilities

How do you do deal with people who are stagnant in their careers in a company but loyal?. Loyal - What do you mean by loyal? Does corporate need loyal  staff today? Yes, of course ! So why am I calling loyal staff of company as a liability?

I am referring to those breed of employee who think that the company is running on their shoulders, may be yes - initially/partially.But this thought blocks their visibility for a path to self improvement and up-gradation after a certain period. And since they are with the company for the longest time, the company tends to overlook their potential and question their capability at regular interval. And this is where the company does its biggest mistake. This reminds me of an habit of one of my aunt. She loved getting gifts and storing them. She would use them only on the rarest occasions. This way she has accumulated loads of similar gifts and would hardly use them. They were kept gift wrapped and locked in the cupboard. One day she could see some insects coming out of the cupboard and when she opened the cupboard, she found to her horror that all the wooden gifts were eaten by mites. Not only this but they have also spoil the other collections and the newly added gifts. What a waste of beautiful resources. Wish if she had used and consumed those gifts.She still feels the guilt of losing precious collection she had.

Similarly if the company fails to identify its loyal but ever stagnant staff, they will soon start  becoming a liability which is borne by monthly salary. The result - A bunch of good/not so good/loyal staff getting into their comfort zones and eventually loosing their luster. They end up getting lucrative position and salaries by the mere presence in the company.

What an HR can do in these scenario? How can HR create some space and volatility in the organisation chart for upward movement of staff who needs to grow as per their performance but are stuck one they come close to the loyal but Not Performing Asset .
  1. Create  a competitor for the comfort zoners. Eg; Parallel band width of roles, profiles or just a parallel SBU.
  2. Do workshops for similar band width staff like problem solving, team building or a technical workshop. Idea is not to corner your comfort zoners but to loosen up the environment. So make it as casual and activity based. In this phase you will identify where the gaps are. Is it the technical area, behavioural area or simply the laid back attitude or something else.
  3. Create a report and recommend what can be done in each area. Mind it that it needs lot of courage to point out to the management that they need to take some tough calls. 
  4. It is always advisable to do so through an external coach or trainer.
What happens when you come across people who are close to the management and may not be easily accessible for such a drastic makeover? Relax. Leave them alone. Do you know the story of small stream of water which was blocked by a huge rock? How can  a little stream water create a way out for itself? But through its persistence and presence, one day the spring erodes the hill and create a small, very small vent for itself.Eventually it is able to create a whole way out for itself and rocks have no way but to give in.

The management has to be educated on taking some tough decisions while handling such staffs at times. I came across one of senior staff who refused to do the reviews( recently initiated) quoting that he has no work and i should ask his seniors to fill the form for him as they would know his job well. I was taken aback but stayed calm and said no issues I will add this as comment on the review form. I am waiting to see my bosses reaction and action to this.

This a serious issue since we have the highest age diversity nowadays in  most of the company. Creating a parity in role and compensation has always been a challenge for HR.Though we cannot negate that change becomes a challenge if you are not use to it but eventually it is " Perform or perish".

Your comments, thoughts, views will be highly appreciated.

# The views are purely of personal experience of the author and does not reflect against anybody in particular

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